Los Navegantes

Since 1995, the Maegli family has been supporting low income families by teaching and inspiring them with the art of sailing
One of the most promising talents they helped develop is David Hernandez.
Today he is representing Guatemala At the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Along with Juani, the youngest of the Maeglis.
Although David and Juani come from very different backgrounds, they share the same ambition…
Winning the gold medal.

  • Juan Ignacio Maegly
  • David Hernández
  • Client: ESPN
  • Director: Alfonso Algara / David Gamboa
  • Director of Photography: Ernesto Abrego
  • Edit/Color/Sound: Ernesto Abrego, Alfonso Algara
Ernesto Abrego - LOS NAVEGANTES
Ernesto Abrego - LOS NAVEGANTES
Ernesto Abrego - LOS NAVEGANTES